bio Chairman

Andy Palmer

Andrew Charles Palmer CMG FIMechE (born 30 June 1963) is an English automotive executive and engineer. He has been described as the 'Godfather of EVs' due to his work launching the Nissan Leaf in 2010 whilst COO at the Japanese company. Palmer is also known for launching Aston Martin's first SUV, the DBX, and first mid-engine sports car, Valkyrie, during his tenure as CEO from 2014 to 2020. Palmer was previously CEO and Executive Vice-chairman of electric bus and van company, Switch Mobility. He resigned from this role in 2022. In addition, Palmer is founder and CEO of Palmer Automotive Ltd (most notably leading a bid on behalf of Punch, to acquire Nissan Motor Iberica in Barcelona), Chairman of InoBat, a Slovakian developer of electric vehicle 'intelligent' batteries, and Chairman of Avis Solutions Inc.

Avis Solutions Inc.
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